It's All In Your Mind: ​The Virtual Basis of Religion, Sex, Time, And Death

Author: Manager

Laurence McKinney is an entrepreneur. He marketed his college rock band, and when a beachgoer inquired where to rent a surfboard, he opened one in a parking lot and in two years had three owned and three franchised locations.

Graduating from Harvard Business School, he quickly organized a multimedia publishing startup which introduced him to leading authorities in fields of neuroscience. This led to development of a pharmaceutical patent which made possible GW Pharmaceutical’s cannabis based Epidiolex® to control seizures in young patients with epilepsy. 

During the next thirty years he organized two nonprofits and three more corporations, developing computer applications, pharmaceutical processes, and early commercial and social media websites.

Graduate training in management and a writer’s skill in communication facilitated business plans and strategic planning rarely available to scholars and authors. 

Lacking graduate programs or a steady career in one field or another, McKinney instead was speed-learning familiarity at the leading edges of neuroscience, information technology, and religious practice as required. 

It was nearly inevitable that such variety of expertise would lead to fresh insights, organized and presented as clearly a business plan, written to engage, entertain, and inform.